1. Feature: For hydraulic systems in motorcycles, car, tractors, bulldozer, hydraulic and insustrial machinery equiment, tools and power tools...
2. Appearance: Pale yellow and transparency
3. Specifications
- Density (15/4oC): 0.864
- Kinematics viscosity (40oC, cSt): 32
- Kinematics viscosity (100oC, cSt): 5.5
- Flash point (oC): 233
- Viscosity index (V.I): 110
- Freezing point (oC): -30
- Cooper corrosion (100oC, 3 hrs): 1A
4. Using
- Dispose of all used lubricants
- Pour new lubricant into the storage compartment without contaminating the dirt
5. Storage
- In a cool place, away from direct sunlight, keep away any source of ignition or high temperature.
- Cover tightly after using to avoid contamination from dust and steam
- Contains in suitable area.
6. Ingredients: Mineral oils and additives
7. Standard Base: TCCS: 003/2019/OILKOREA
8. Meet national technical regulations:
QCVN 14: 2018/BKHCM
9. Origin: made in Vietnam